The confidence level displayed in the Round General view indicates the reliability of the real distance estimation.
It can be either Low or High, depending on the amount of location tracking information received from the mobile app. At this stage, 100% accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
If many rounds show a low confidence level in the real distance calculation, there are a few steps that can be taken to improve this metric.
▪️ Check the GPS Coverage %, which provides initial insights in the round audit (see image below).
▪️ Ensure that the Urbantz app is updated to the latest version.
▪️ Keep the Android/iOS operating system up to date.
▪️ The phone brand and model can impact performance; for example, higher-end phones generally have better antennas than budget models.
▪️ The driver may be force closing the app, or it might be automatically closed by the system when other CPU-intensive apps (such as another navigation app like Waze) are in use. This issue occurs more frequently with budget phones than with higher-end devices.
▪️ In regions or with phones where GPS coverage is unavailable, the only option is to report this on the round audit (see image below).