Shifts allow you to split distinctive periods of activity during the day. The shift could be a division of the day, typically morning, afternoon or evening.
- How can it be used?
- How to set it up?
1. How can it be used?
Shifts allow you to separate tasks at optimization level. A task in a morning shift won’t be optimized alongside a task in an evening shift.
The "time window start" of a task determines the shift the task will be in. Shifts are also used to configure vacation days and the schedules of your drivers.
2. How to set it up?
Administration > Platform > General > Lists
The mandatory fields are:
- Name
- From
- To
To define user schedules, navigate to:
Administration > Platform > Schedules
Here you can select and define their availability by selecting shifts and/or entering vacation days. These will be taken into account during the optimization.