Time slots in Urbantz are specific time intervals during which deliveries or pickups can be scheduled. They are configured to manage and optimize delivery schedules based on various parameters like vehicle availability, service times, and delivery zones.
Key elements of time slots:
- Start and End Time: Defines when the timeslot begins and ends.
- Cutoff Time: The deadline by which a timeslot must be booked.
- Vehicle Allocation: Specifies the number and type of vehicles available for each timeslot.
- Capacity Constraints: Includes the number of tasks a vehicle can handle, and limits in terms of weight and volume.
- Geographical Restrictions: Time slots can be linked to specific postal codes or zones.
- Recurrence: Time slots can be set as single or recurring events.
- Modifications and Deletions: Time slots can be edited or deleted, with options to apply changes to all recurring slots or specific dates only.
Time slots ensure that delivery tasks are scheduled efficiently, taking into account real-time capacity and operational constraints. This helps in reducing failed deliveries and optimizing routes for better service and cost efficiency.
To understand more about basic time slots set up take a look here.
Introducing the new Timeslot capacity management
To simplify the management of timeslot capacity, users can now configure the estimated number of tasks directly in the timeslot. This removes the need for complex calculations of how many tasks per hour, per vehicle can be performed (more details below).
The previous way of Managing Time slots
- Complex Calculations: Users needed to calculate the number of tasks per hour per vehicle and then multiply this by the number of vehicles and hours in the timeslot to determine capacity.
- Manual Adjustments: Planners often had to manually adjust capacities and configurations to fit operational needs, which could be time-consuming and prone to errors.
- Static Configuration: Modifying time slots required manual input and often involved complex configurations, such as setting specific capacities for each timeslot by considering the vehicle's capacity and the number of vehicles.
- Advanced Settings: Users had to set specific parameters like authorized postal codes, zones, and vehicle labels, which added to the complexity.
- Capacity Constraints: Capacity was tightly linked to vehicle properties, requiring users to manually configure the dimensions and labels for each vehicle used in a timeslot.
New Timeslot Capacity Management
- Simplified Setup: Users can directly configure the estimated number of tasks for each timeslot, removing the need for complex calculations.
- Dynamic Adjustments: The system allows for easier and faster adjustments of timeslot capacities to adapt to changing business needs, such as peak periods or special events.
- Calendar View: A functional calendar displays timeslot capacities, making it simpler to manage and visualize schedules.
- Real-Time Insights: The redesigned layout provides a quick and easy weekly overview of schedules and real-time timeslot capacity levels, aiding in better decision-making.
- User-Friendly Interface: Enhancements like color-coded chips indicating fill percentages and a capacity bar chart in the edit timeslot modal improve user experience.
In summary, the new timeslot capacity management in Urbantz simplifies the configuration process, provides better real-time insights, and enhances the user experience by making the management of time slots more intuitive and less prone to errors.