If you first want to have a general overview of the mobile app, you can have a look at our introduction article: How to use the mobile app as a driver
- Barcode Scan
- Customer Signature
- Comment
- Photo
- On-Site
- Set up
1. Barcode Scan
With the barcode scan, it is possible to make sure that the right parcel is being delivered to the right place.
The delivery process is the same as the usual one, but when the delivery is validated, the barcode scanning feature will be prompted.
Once the parcel's barcode is scanned (2), it will be compared to the barcode that is saved in the database. If the barcodes match, the delivery can be finalized. If not, the app shows a message indicating that the wrong parcel has been scanned (3).
2. Customer Signature
When this feature is activated, the customer needs to sign as proof of delivery. That way, you know that the parcel has been delivered and accepted by the customer (or someone else).
There is also the possibility to activate a similar feature that requires the customer to add a comment: "Customer commented signature". The comment can be interesting to collect qualitative information about the delivery.
3. Comment
The comment feature is similar to the customer signature feature, with the difference that the customer and the driver will be able to write anything regarding the delivery process or the parcel itself.
4. Photo
This feature requires you to take a picture as proof of delivery. During validation, the camera logo will appear on the screen. A click on "take a picture" opens the camera and a picture can be saved.
5. On-Site
This feature can be helpful for drivers to make sure that they are at the right location. If the GPS notices that a driver is not at the right place ( > 100m difference), the app will show a message to indicate that there is a difference between the coordinates where the GPS locates him and the coordinates of the delivery address.
As it is a reminder, the driver will be able to continue anyway, if he is at the right location or cancel it to check the map again and to see where he has to go.
6. Set up
If you, as a Platform Manager, want to set up one or more of the above mentioned features for your delivery process, you need to:
- Click on Administration
- Choose the Flow you want to apply the changes on
- Click on the tab "Requires"
- Select one or more of the options that you want to use
- Click on Save