There are various ways to create tasks in Urbantz: manual creation, announcing tasks by API and announcing using a file. This article focuses on the latter.
Once you have logged in:
- Click on Announcements in the left-side menu
- Click on Upload in the top right corner
- Select the Flow you want to use to upload tasks with
- Select the file you want to use
- Once you upload your file, the tasks will be geocoded and checked for exceptions. The time it takes to complete your upload depends on the number of tasks in your file.
ℹ️ It is recommended to use Excel files without any formatting and formulas.
Note: the imported file should have only one sheet of data. Any additional sheets will not be read.
Now you can launch an optimization to create your rounds. See How to optimise/create rounds automatically? for more information on the process of optimisation.
If there are errors preventing the optimization from being launched, they need to be corrected. We have written an article on how to handle them: How to correct errors (validation and geocoding).
The supported file formats are: XLS, XLSX, and XML.
.CSV files are not recommended as they might create issues.