Manage users according to your company user-management policies and help out users whose accounts are blocked because a wrong password has been entered too frequently etc..
- Adding a user
- Changing a user role
- Removing a user
- User status DENIED
- User-management by API
1. Adding a user
Follow the steps listed below to add one or more users to your platform (Administration > Users):
- Click Add in the top right corner
- Enter the user's first name, last name and email address
- Choose the new user's role, in the drop-down menu
- Click on "Save"
ℹ️. According to the role you choose, you might need to fill in additional fields. All fields with a * are mandatory.
You don't need to set a password for a new user. The system will automatically send an e-mail to the email address you indicated in the profile allowing the new user to set a password.
You can create several users at once or import a list of new users by clicking on Import in the top right corner. The following window will appear on your screen:
By clicking on the plus sign you can add a new line, corresponding to a new user. You can also upload an Excel file with all information for each new user line per line.
2. Changing user roles
In case one of the existing users needs different access rights on your platform, you can change the existing user.
- Look up the user by searching in the top right corner on first name, last name, or e-mail address
- Select the user
- Change the user's role in the drop-down menu
3. Removing a user
Completely deleting a user from a platform is not possible as the history of actions taken by that user on your platform would become insignificant and unreadable.
If a user is not allowed to access your platform anymore, you can change that user's status from validated to banned.
- Search for the user you want to adapt and open the profile details
- At the top of the new window's section change the status from validated to banned and close the details
As soon as you refresh the page you can see that the user's status has been adapted.
Users that were banned from your platform can't access it anymore. You can nonetheless continue to access that user's usage history as no data was deleted.
4.User status DENIED
The status DENIED indicates that a wrong password was entered 10 times by that user. Similarly to banning a user, you can change the user's status from Denied to Validated and if need be you can also define a new password, using the reassign password option.
5. User-management by API
Several user-management actions can be done by API as well: creation, banning, validation, updates, retrieval, etc.. Please take a look here for the details.
! If a user does not log in for a period equal to 3 months or longer, it is automatically made inactive by the system.