The Round Editor is a tool that empowers you to create rounds from scratch or modify existing ones. It is accessible via the Announcement tab (upper right corner) and via the Dashboard tab (upper right corner).
- Display
- Usage
- Free mode
1. Display
Once opened, the Round Editor screen is split into two main parts.
On the left side, you can find a list of all your hubs with existing rounds if there are some. Tasks that are not yet assigned to a round are displayed as orphans.
ℹ️ You can filter hubs by name to only display the hub you want to work on.
On the right side, you can see tasks and their details, either displayed as a list or on a map. You can change between the two display modes in the upper right corner.
ℹ️ By clicking on the eye icon in the list view, you can choose which task information you want to display to have all useful information on your screen when creating or modifying rounds. If you always work based on the same information, we advise creating a preferred view.
The basic optimisation parameters (Start time, Hub, and Optimisation) for each round are displayed right below the round name by clicking on the opening arrow. This is the place where you can adapt the start time of a round if you wish.
2. Usage
Note: The round editor is intended to generally be used on a case-by-case scenario when adjustments need to be performed to existing rounds
The Round Editor can be used in 2 modes to create and modify rounds: the list and the map mode (details below). Once you have created rounds or your modifications are done, click "save" in the top bar.
A small optimisation will be launched per round, incorporating the changes you made.
If the result of an optimisation is "a partial solution has been generated", it means that some tasks violate constraints (max. weight, time window, max. distance, work time,...) and could not be added to the round. They will become orphans again.
If you don't want the system to optimise your selection, you can disable the "Optimize" toggle. As a result, the sequence you provided will be respected even if it's not the most optimal sequence. Only the path between tasks will be calculated.
- List view
- Create a round: Click on the + sign next to the hub in which you want to create a round. Don't forget to add a driver and a vehicle.
- Add tasks to a round: select the task(s) you want to add to a round and drag and drop it/them into the round on the left side.
- Modify a task: By clicking on the three bars at the end of a task-line on the right side of the screen, you can (from top to bottom)
- modify it (address or the time window)
- open the task
- retrieve it from a round
- Create a round: Click on the + sign next to the hub in which you want to create a round. Don't forget to add a driver and a vehicle.
2. Map view
- Create a round: Use the pencil tool or the area tool the highlight multiple tasks. Once they're highlighted (white), click the + symbol to create a round based on the selection.
- Add a task to a round: select the hand tool and drag a task inside an existing round.
3. Free mode
If you don't want the system to take into account any constraint defined on your platform (max. weight per vehicle, max. number of tasks per vehicle, time windows, max. distance per vehicle, work time etc.), you can activate the toggle "Do not apply constraints".
Rounds will be created with exactly the tasks you want in them.
❗️ Please be aware that you need to be sure that a round is really feasible when you choose this option. The system won't make any checks on any constraint.
ℹ️ This option needs to be activated for your platform by your CSM or by the Support.
4. Correct usage
Round Editor changes should be made by a single user at the time and through a single tab open in the browser to avoid sync-related issues.
Never manipulate rounds via the Round Editor while the tasks are being optimized. This will lead to various problems with the rounds and tasks