ℹ️ Check out the following article to learn how to change the status of a round manually: How to change the status of a round to validated or published?
CREATED - The round has been created with a list of tasks. If a route is manually created in the Round Editor but no tasks have been added, it may also be empty.
VALIDATED - The round is ready to be prepared in the hub, it cannot be edited unless it goes back to the CREATED status
PUBLISHED - The driver can see the round in the mobile app.
❗️If any changes are made to the round or to the tasks after publication, we cannot guarantee that the information displayed in the mobile app will be up to date, for example, if the drivers mobile phone is not connected to the internet when preparing in the warehouse.
IN PREPARATION - The driver has started preparing the round.
ONGOING - The driver has started the round.
- Once rounds are ongoing, rounds and tasks are not visible anymore in the Round Editor.
- Changes to ongoing rounds are only possible via the “On-Fly”. Please take a look the following article for more information: On-fly or how to move tasks into an ongoing round?
COMPLETED - Drivers completed their rounds or it was closed by the System.
- Rounds that have not been completed by drivers are marked as completed by the System at around 3 AM.
INITIAL – When a round is in INITIAL it means that there was a problem during its creation (possibly an internet connection issue, a problem during optimization, etc.).
ℹ️ As a precaution, we recommend that you contact our Support team if you encounter rounds in INITIAL status. If they contain tasks, they must be taken out of the round with the "On-Fly". Afterwards, these rounds can be ignored.