The purpose of the task tab is to provide quick and searchable access to tasks. The view can be adapted based on filters (date, status, round etc.) and tasks can be extracted.
The task list also allows you to take a closer look at items (top-right corner).
- Search
- Filter & favourite views
- Extract tasks
- Create tasks manually
- Display options
1. Search
A search can be carried out based on taskId or the internal reference you give to tasks. Also, a separate search can be done on the address or contact person (note that this search section can also look for the account information). The search is date-independent, meaning that the results shown will be tasks from all possible dates.
If you know the date and the account (used for the company name) or email address, you can search using the fields Client Account or Client Email and specify the date. You will only see results matching your selection.
ℹ️ The fields Client Account and Client Email are case sensitive.
2. Filter & favourite views
All columns with a downward pointing triangle can be used as filters. You can for example filter on "Service Type" as shown below:
If a filter is applied, the background color of the column title changes slightly to make you aware that a filter is applied.
As it is likely that you will frequently want to visualize the same type of information using the same filters, you have the possibility to create and save favorite views using the button with a heart in the top-right corner.
See this article to find out how to save favorite views: Save favorite views
3. Extract tasks
Once you have filtered tasks, you may want to extract them. See this article for more detailed information: How can I extract my data?
If you applied filters, they will be kept for the extract.
4. Create tasks manually
You can quickly create new tasks. We guide you through their creation in the following article: Creating a task manually
5. Display options
The checkboxes in the upper-right corner allow you to:
- Include discarded tasks in the displayed tasks
- Change to a compact view to display more tasks on your screen
Freeze the task list: Updates linked to announcements or optimizations will not be displayed automatically if the freeze is activated. This option is very useful if you work on a platform with many task updates, as the screen won't be reloading at every update.
Meanwhile, an indicator on the Refresh button displays how many updates have been done since the moment you froze the view. This allows you to evaluate when it’s a good moment for you to refresh the page to include the most recent updates.